Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Just Another Day!

not a whole lot new here today. the kids are in bed, frank's shoo'ing a gecko out the door, and the animals are all being nosey. big surprise! lol other than that not a whole lot. frank made bbq shredded pork for dinner, i made baked potatoes and broccoli (which tristan informed me is awesome because it has the work 'rock' in it. HAHA). dinner was really good...although we're a little miserable from eating too much! hehe

anywho...jordyn was still in bed (supposed to be napping, but not!) when tristan got home from frank had him finish up his homework then they went fishing for a bit. it started raining the minute they left...but they went ahead and went and tristan caught a pretty good sized one! they didn't keep it i think the next time we go we're going to keep whatever we catch. i guess if we don't eat it then we have some nice frozen trophies. LOL! so, i guess that was the excitement of the day.

i snapped a couple cute pics of jordyn in the bath and frank washing her hair. she was just being a big goofball...are we surprised? also one in there of tristan...i snuck up on him hehehe. then jordyn chansing loki outside in her princess attire. nice, hu? lol

i guess i'm going to get off here in a few and work on some bows. no new orders, but something i've been working on for a while. so, that'll be done. i also might do a little scrapbooking. probably not though because i had a sinus headache all day and it just went away and i am TIRED. so, as much as i'd like to do alot...i think i'll probably end up going to bed at a decent hour.

hope all is well w/ everyone else. enjoy the pics!